Thursday 8 January 2009

Analysis of opening credits

The opening of the film "pink panther" the 1964 version it gives a detailed description of the cast and crew. the opening also does the title of the film in a comedy style way starting with "The Ink Ant" then to "The Pink Pant" then showing the full title "The Pink Panther" The opening doesn't show any characters expect for one, The pink panther. Despite the pink panther is a diamond. The opening doesn't show any main location but the style of the other cartoon character gives it a sense that this film is set in France. This opening give the viewer the look that this film is set in the 1960's . The opening sequence does give an idea of what the mood of the movie with the use of the animation where the 'Pink Panther' is being pursued by a white glove and detective also the music helps to set the tone by being slightly jumpy. the theme tune is accompanied with the animation of the detective and the 'Pink Panther' to fit with the music and the comic elements with in the title sequence help the theme tune stay in your head so it is instantly recognisable later in the film. The opening gives a huge gift of what the genre for this film is. This genre is a crime caper type genre with hints of comedy in the film. Within the title sequence there are no question rasied but due to the inherent nature of the genre questions will be raised during the film. There are Patterns throughout the entire film regarding the pink panther animation that echos the theme of the diamond that appears throughout the film. There is no mise en scene nor cinematography in the title sequence that will be repeated throughout the film.

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